Parcel 29

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Alliance SQUARE 29/2 Date Recorded : January 13, 1903 Instrument No. 3 LOT LIBER 2 6 c> 6 FOLIO 208 PARTIES William A. Gordon et al Trs. Release To Virginia C. Huidekoper DESCRIPTION P§.rt of a tract of land called Alliance, containing 32js acres, being a portion of land conveyed by Deed dated July 19,1843, Rec. Lib. 'WB. 93 Pol. 323 and being the same land heretofore conveyed by deed dated Apr. 7, 1887 Rec. Liber 1267 fol. 7 Rel . Э. of T. April 7, 1887 Liber 1267 fol. 9 16— 33703-1 spo